통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동

소장 자료검색

일반국민은 물론 국내외의 북한 및 통일문제 연구자에게 북한관련 정보자료를 제공합니다.


South-North Dialogue in Korea (No.76, February 2013 ~ December 2013) =남북대화(제76호)
South-North Dialogue in Korea (No.76, February 2013 ~ December 2013) =남북대화(제76호)
South-North Dialogue in Korea (No.76, February 2013 ~ December 2013) =남북대화(제76호) /[edited by] Special Office for Inter-Korean Dialogue Ministry of Unification
Special Office for Inter-Korean Dialogue Ministry of Unification;
Korea (Seoul) :Special Office for Inter-Korean Dialogue Ministry of Unification,2014.
134 p. :Table ;22 cm
단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 5층 부내서가 UM3309 U 2014-10 남96ㄴ v.76 서가배치
2 북한자료센터 / 5층 부내서가 UM3313 U 2014-10 남96ㄴ v.76 c.2 서가배치

Chapter1. Overview/7

Chapter2. Inter-Korean political dialogue/17
1. Working-level meetings for inter-Korean authorities’ talks
2. Collapse of inter-Korean authorities’ talks

Chapter3. Inter-Korean economic dialogue/29
1. Inter-Korean authorities’ talks for the GIC
A. The 1st inter-Korean working-level talks for the GIC
B. The 2nd inter-Korean working-level talks for the GIC
C. The 3rd inter-Korean working-level talks for the GIC
D. The 4th inter-Korean working-level talks for the GIC
E. The 5th inter-Korean working-level talks for the GIC
F. The 6th inter-Korean working-level talks for the GIC
G. The 7th inter-Korean working-level talks for the GIC

2. South-North joint committee meetings for the GIC
A. The 1st joint committee meetings for the GIC
B. The 2nd joint committee meetings for the GIC
C. The 3rd joint committee meetings for the GIC
D. The 4th joint committee meetings for the GIC

3. South-North joint subcommittee meetings for the GIC
A. Joint subcommittee for the 3Cs
B. Joint subcommittee for entry, exit and stay
C. Joint subcommittee for investment protection, management and operation
D. Joint subcommittee for international competitive power

Chapter4. Inter-Korean humanitarian dialogue/75
1. Inter-Korean Red Cross working-level meetings

1. Chronicle of inter-Korean relations
2. Agreements from inter-Korean dialogue

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