통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동

소장 자료검색

일반국민은 물론 국내외의 북한 및 통일문제 연구자에게 북한관련 정보자료를 제공합니다.


황금의 삼각주 라진-선봉 법규집
황금의 삼각주 라진-선봉 법규집
황금의 삼각주 라진-선봉 법규집 /대외경제협력추진위원회 편.
평양 :대외경제협력추진위원회,1993
[422] p. ;26 cm
Golden triangle, Rajin-Sonbong collection of laws and regulations
북한합작법, 북한외국인투자법,
단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 5층 문헌자료실 EM68540 322.83023 대66ㅎ v.1993 서가배치

1. 조선민주주의인민공화국 자유경제무역지대법...2
2. 조선민주주의인민공화국 외국인투자법...5
3. 조선민주주의인민공화국 외국인기업법...7
4. 조선민주주의인민공화국 합작법...9
5. 조선민주주의인민공화국 외국투자기업 및 외국인 세금법...10
6. 조선민주주의인민공화국 외화관리법...16
7. 조선민주주의인민공화국 토지임대법...18

1. The law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on free economic and trade zone...23
2. The law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on foreign investment...27
3. The law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on foreign enterprises...29
4. The law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on contractual joint venture...32
5. The law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on foreign investment-
business enterprise and foreign individual tax...34
6. The law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on foreign exchange control...42
7. The law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the Leasing of land...45

1. 조선민주주의인민공화국 외국투자은행법...2
2. 조선민주주의인민공화국 세관법...5
3. 조선민주주의인민공화국 합영법...9
4. 자유경제무역지대 외국인출입규정...12
5. 외국인투자기업로동규정...14
6. 자유경제무역지대 외국기업상주대표사무소에 관한 규정...18
7. 외국투자기업 및 외국인세금법시행규정...21

The law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on foreign-invested bank...31
Customs law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea...33
Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on equity joint venture...37
Regulations on immigration procedure in the free economic and trade zone...40
Labour regulations for foreign-invested business...41
Regulations on resident representative offices of foreign business in the free economic and trade zone...45
Enforcement regulations for foreign-invested business and foreign individual tax law...47

1. 조선민주주의인민공화국 민사소송법...2
2. 외국인기업법시행규정...14
3. 자유무역항 규정...21
4. 자유경제무역지대 외국인체류 및 거주규정...24
5. 외화관리법시행규정,,,26
6. 토지임대법시행규정...31
7. 부록,,,73

The civil proceedings act of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea...41
Regulations for the implementation of the D.P.R.K. on wholly foreign-owned enterprises...50
Regulations on free trade ports...57
Regulations on foreigner’s stay and residence in the free economic and trade zone...59
Regulations for the implementation of the law of the D.P.R.K. on foreign exchange control...60
Implementing regulations for the law of the D.P.R.K, on the leasing of land...65

조선민주주의인민공화국 환경보호법...3
조선민주주의인민공화국 대외경제계약법...9
조선민주주의인민공화국 보험법...13

The law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the protection of the environment...25
The law of the DPRK on the exrternal economic contract...31
Insurance Law of the DPRK...35
Implementing regulations for the law on foreign-invested bank...41

목차 없음

1. 합작법시행규정...3
2. 외국인투자기업부기계산규정,,,12
3. 외국인투자기업명칭제정규정...15
4. 외국인투자기업등록규정...16
5. 자유경제무역지대 가공무역규정...17
6. 자유경제무역지대 외국인투자기업공인 조각 및 등록 규정...20
7. 자유경제무역지대 공업지구 개발 및 경영 규정...22
8. 자유경제무역지대 광고규정...24

1. Implementing regulations for the on contractual joint venture...26
2. Bookkeeping regulations for foreign-invested enterprise,,,37
3. Regulations on naming of foreign-invested enterprise...40
4. Regulations on the registration of foreign-invested enterprises...42
5. Regulations on processing trade in the free economic and trade zone...43
6. Regulations on engraving and registration of logos (common seals) for
foreign-invested enterprise in the free economic and trade zone...47
7. Regulations on the development and management of industrial estates in the free economic and trade zone...48
8. Regulation on advertisement in the free economic and trade zone...51

1. 자유경제무역지대 중계무역규정...2
2. 자유경제무역지대 청부건설규정...3
3. 자유경제무역지대 관광규정...6
4. 자유경제무역지대 외국투자가대리인규정...8
5. 외국인투자은행 부기계산규정...10
6. 외국인투자기업 부기검증규정...14
7. 자유경제무역지대 화페류통규정,,,16
8. 자유경제무역지대 국경검역규정...17
9. 자유경제무역지대 경제통행검사규정...18
10. 자유경제무역지대 자동차등록규정...19

1. Regulations on entrepot trade in the free economic and trade zone...21
2. Regulations of contract construction in the free economic and trade zone...22
3. Regulation on tourism in the free economic and trade zone...27
4. Regulation on agent for foreign investor in free economic and trade zone...30
5. Bookkeeping regulations for foreign-invested bank....32
6. Regulations on certified public accounting for foreign invested enterprise...38
7. Regulations on currency circulation in the free economic and trade zone...40
8. Regulations on border quarantine for the free economic and trade zone...42
9. Regulations on traffic inspection at the boundary of the free economic and trade zone...43
10. Regulations on registration of vehicles in the free economic and trade zone...45

  • 등록된 서평이 없습니다.
유사자료 정보
이미지 자료명 저자 출판사 출판년
Investment climate : Rajin-Sonbong free economic and trade zone Investment climate : Rajin-Sonbong free economic and trade zone edited by Kim Il Sung University Publishing House Kim Il Sung University Publishing House 1995
Golden triangle Rajin-Sonbong Golden triangle Rajin-Sonbong Ri Kwang Jin ,Jong Song Ul The Committee for the Promotion of External Economic Cooperation of the DPRK 1997
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