통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동

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일반국민은 물론 국내외의 북한 및 통일문제 연구자에게 북한관련 정보자료를 제공합니다.


OSS/State Department intelligence and research reports Ⅱ :Postwar Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia.v.2 n.6
OSS/State Department intelligence and research reports Ⅱ :Postwar Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia.v.2 n.6
OSS/State Department intelligence and research reports Ⅱ :Postwar Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia.v.2 n.6[마이크로필름자료].
Washington, D.C. :University Publications of America Inc.,
마이크로필름 릴 1개 :음화 ;35mm롤
단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 5층 마이크로필름 MM14 MF 14 v.2n.6 이용제한

1. Preliminary Survey of Korea’s Foreign Trade. February 1, 1946.
2. Population and Economic Data on the Zones of Occupation in Korea. April 19, 1946.
3. Composition of the Korean Interim Legislative Assembly. June 10, 1947.
4. Wartime and Postwar Status of the Silk Industry in the Far East: Korea. July 30, 1947.
5. Political Groupings in South Korea. August 1, 1947.
6. Steps toward Increased Governmental Authority for South Koreans. September 26, 1947.
7. The Redistribution of Korean-Owned Farm Lands in South Korea. May 7, 1948.
8. Social and Political Forces in Small Communities in South Korea. June 10, 1948.
9. Structure of the North Korean Government. July 2, 1948.
10. Biographic Reports on the Cabinet of the Korean Republic. August 11, 1948.
11. The New Government in South Korea: Its Form and Chances for Survival. August 17, 1948.
12 Monetary and Financial Policies and Institutions in South Korea. February 10, 1949.
13. Recent Inflationary Trends in South Korea. December 6, 1949.

14. The Role of the Communists in Malaya. March 16, 1947.

15. Organization and Personnel of the Philippine-American Rehabilitation Commission. July 27, 1944.
16. Personalities in the Philippines’ Political Scene. July 30, 1945.
17. Recent Developments in Philippine-American Relations. October 5, 1945.
18. Biographies of the Philippine Cabinet. June 14, 1946.
19. Philippine Foreign Trade Statistics, 1929-46. January 6, 1947.
20. Impact of the War on the Philippine Economy and the Extent and Problems of Recovery. January 15, 1947.
21. Factors Bearing upon the Question of Additional Benefits to Philippine War Veterans. April 1, 1947.
22. Comparison of Proposed Blueprints for Philippine Rehabilitation and Development. September 25, 1947.
23. The 1949 Philippine Budget. March 3, 1948.
24. The Philippine Congress in 1948. July 21, 1949.
25. The Financial Position of the Philippine Government, November 1949. November 29, 1949.

26. United States Prestige in Southeast Asia. February 7, 1946.
27. Prospects for the Rubber Industry of Southeast Asia. August 17, 1949.
28. Economic Colonialism in Southeast Asia. August 26, 1949.

29. Trend toward Democracy in Thailand. October 25, 1944.
30. Economic and Social Bases of the Thai Government. June 25, 1945.
31. Biographic Information on Key Individuals in Present-Day Thailand. July 1, 1945.
32. The Status and Significance of the Co-Operative Movement. July 2, 1945.
33. Thailand’s Foreign Relations Affected by the Surrender of the Japanese. August 24, 1945.
34. Developments in Thailand Connected with the Japanese Surrender. August 31, 1945.
35. A Brief Survey of Siamese Relations with the United States. November 1, 1945.
36. Siamese Cabinets since 1944. May 1, 1946.
37. Siam’s Postwar Press. June 1, 1946.
38. Factual Brief on the Question of the Existence or Non-Existence of a State of Hostilities between France and Siam. June 21, 1946.
39. Extent of Economic Recovery in Siam, January 1, 1948. March 1, 1948.
40. Thailand’s Anti-Communist Pronouncements. September 30, 1949.

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