통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동

소장 자료검색

일반국민은 물론 국내외의 북한 및 통일문제 연구자에게 북한관련 정보자료를 제공합니다.


CIA Research Reports :Japan, Korea and the Security of Asia, 1946-1976 (5)
CIA Research Reports :Japan, Korea and the Security of Asia, 1946-1976 (5)
CIA Research Reports :Japan, Korea and the Security of Asia, 1946-1976 (5) /[마이크로 필름]
Washington D.C :Central Intelligence Agency,1948-
마이크로필름 릴 1개 :음화 ;35mm롤
단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 5층 마이크로필름 MM250 MF 250 v.5 이용제한

1. Korea : Characteristics of the People. February.1952 - 49pp.
2. Korea : Manpower. April. 1952 - 31pp.
3. Korea : Structure of the Government. May. 1952 - 45pp.
4. Communist Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action in Korea. July 20. 1952 - 15pp.
5. Korea : Religion, Education, and Public Information.August. 1952 - 50pp.
6. Korea : Introduction to Politics. October. 1952 - 9pp.
7. Korea : Introduction to Sociology. November. 1952 - 6pp.
8. Communist Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action in Korea. April 3. 1952 - 2pp.
9. The Constitutional System. March. 1954 - 26pp.
10. Current Capabilities of the Northern Korean Regime. June 19. 1950 - 12pp.
11. North Korea's Dependence on Outside Supplies. August 2. 1950 - 3pp.
12. North Korean Unification Propaganda. August 11. 1950 - 4pp.
13. Military Supplies for North Korea. September 13.1950 - 6pp.
14. North Korea, Communist China's Independent Ally. March 6. 1964 - 7pp.
15. Prospects for the Survival of the Republic of Korea. October 28. 1948 - 17pp.
16. Communist Capabilities in South Korea. February 21. 1949 - 13pp.
17. Consequences of U.S. Troop Withdrawal from Korea in Spring, 1949. February 28. - 9pp.
18. International Implications of Maintaining a Beachhead in Korea. January.11.1951 - 7pp.
19. Dato Nik Ahmed Kamil. Ambassador to the U.S. October.17. 1960 - 2pp.
20. Malaysia. December,1962 - llpp.
21. Communist Influence in New Zealand. June 30. 1949 - 7pp.
22. The Death of Philippine President Roxas. April 16. 1948 - 5pp.
23. Possible Developments Resulting from the Granting of Amnesty to Accused Collaborators in the Philippines. April 28. 1948 - llpp.
24. The Current Situation in the Philippines. March 30. 1949 - 22pp.
25. Violence During the Philippine Elections. October 17. 1949 - 2pp.
26. Prospects for Stability in the Philippines. August 10. 1950 - llpp.
27. Philippine Elections. October 28. 1965 - 8pp.
28. The Huk Resurgence in the Philippines. April 18.1967 - 3pp.
29. Philippines. 1972. September 27. - 2pp.
30. Philippines. 1972. December 22. - 2pp.
31. Philippines : Land Reform Stalled. 1973. March 2. - Ip.

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