통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동

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일반국민은 물론 국내외의 북한 및 통일문제 연구자에게 북한관련 정보자료를 제공합니다.


CIA Research Reports :Japan, Korea and the Security of Asia, 1946-1976(1)
CIA Research Reports :Japan, Korea and the Security of Asia, 1946-1976(1)
CIA Research Reports :Japan, Korea and the Security of Asia, 1946-1976(1) /[마이크로 필름]
Washington D.C :Central Intelligence Agency,1949-
마이크로필름 릴 1개 :음화 ;35mm롤
단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 5층 마이크로필름 MM246 MF 246 v.1 이용제한

1. Communist Methode in Asia, 26 Aug. 1949
2. Vulnerabilities of communist movements in the Far East, 20 Sep. 1949
3. Regionalism and orientation trends in Asia, 1 Dec. 1949
4. Critical situations in the Far East, 12 Oct. 1950
5. Current soviet Activities with particular reference to the Far East, 6 Apr. 1951
6. Probable immediate developments in the Far East following a failure in the cease-five negotiations in Korea, 6 Aug. 1951
7. Communist courses of action in Asia through 1957, 23 Nov. 1954
8. Refining centers of the world : Singapore, 1957-1976
9. Commuvist influence in Austraila, 11 Apr. 1949
10.Biographies of persons in Australia, 1962-1964
11. Current situation in Burma, 17 Mar. 1949
12. Communist influence in Burma, 11 Jan. 1950
13. Basic Dutch - Indonesia issues and the Linggadjati agement, 9 Jun 1947
14. The prospects for a United Sttes of Indonesia, 4 Jun. 1948
15. Sukarno, Sep. 1961
16. Sukarno and the Communists, 23 Oct. 1964
17. Rallying of anti-Communist forces in Indonesia, 2 Dec. 1964
18. The Succession problem in Indonesia, 30 Dec. 1964
19. Principal problems and prospects in Indoensia, 26 Jan. 1965
20. Internal security situation in Indonesia, 17 Mar. 1965
21. Possible closure of U.S consulate in Surabaya, 13 Sep. 1965
22. Upheaval in Indonesia. October 6. 1965. 9pp
23. Indonesian Army Loyalties. October 15. 1965. 5pp.
24. Indonesia's 30 September Movement. October 28. 1965. llpp.
25. Indonesian Requirements for Short-Term Economic Assistance.October.1965. 4pp
26. General Suharto of Indonesia. November 8. 1965. 5pp.
27. The Indonesian Army?Objectives and Problems. November 12. 1965.10pp.
28. The Rice Situation in Indonesia. November 17. 1965. 6pp.
29. Possible Developments in Indonesia's Confrontation with Malaysia.November 18. 1965. 5pp.
30. Paralysis in Indonesia. February 5. 1966. 8pp.
31. Peking's Setbacks in Indonesia. April 1. 1966. 8pp.
32. Indonesia's 1945 Constitution. April 14. 1966. 4pp.
33. The Indonesian Communist Party. April 29. 1966. 9pp.
34. Indonesian Confrontation—Status and Prospects. May 6. 1966. 6pp.
35. The Indonesian Crisis and U.S. Determination in Vietnam. May 13.1966. 4pp.
36. Indonesia's Foreign Debt Crisis. May 15. 1966. 7pp.
37. Indonesian Youth Groups. June 29. 1966. 12pp.
38. Political Forces in Indonesia. July 23. 1966. 19pp.
39. The New Indonesian Cabinet. July 30. 1966. 7pp.
40. Communist Military Assistance to Indonesia. September 26. 1966. 30pp.
41. Communist Military Assistance to Indonesia. October. 1966. 30pp.
42. Prospects for Violence in Indonesia. February 17. 1967. 4pp.
43. Prospects for Economic Development in Indonesia. February. 1967. 33pp.

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