통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동

소장 자료검색

일반국민은 물론 국내외의 북한 및 통일문제 연구자에게 북한관련 정보자료를 제공합니다.


단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 7층 서양서 일반 WM14399 392.3 C573a 서가배치

[영문] - 1. Introduction ...0001
- Part Ⅰ. Strategic Intelligence, War, and Deterrence ...0019
- 2. Artificial Intelligence and Strategic Intelligence Analysis and...0000
- Production: Some Opportunities and the Limits to Growth ...0021
- 3. A New Analytic Technique for the Study of Deterrence, ...0000
- Escalation Control, and War Termination ...0035
- 4. A Recommendation Model of War Initiation: The Plausibility and ...0000
- Generalizability of General Cultural Rules ...0061
- Part Ⅱ. Explaining and Predicting Foreign Policy: Uses and ...0000
- Limitations of Artificial Intelligence ...0087
- 5. Pattern Matching, Set Prediction, and Foreign Policy Analysis ...0089
- 6. Using a Rule-Based Production System to Estimate Foreign Policy...0000
- Behavior: Conceptual Issues and 970

  • 등록된 서평이 없습니다.
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