통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동

소장 자료검색

일반국민은 물론 국내외의 북한 및 통일문제 연구자에게 북한관련 정보자료를 제공합니다.


단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 7층 서양서 일반 WM668 340.911 E23w 서가배치

Introduction Whither North Korea? YANG Un-Chul 1
Chapter 1 Assessing the Change in Kim Jong-un Regime’s
Power Elite and Political Stability CHEONG Seong-Chang 13
1. Introduction
2. Factors that Caused Change in North Korea’s Power Elite
3. Organizational Reform of the WPK and the Change in Power Elites
4. Change in the Power Elites within the Military
5. Reorganization of State Organizations and Change in the Power Elites
6. Conclusion: Assessing the Stability of Kim Jong-un’s Regime
Chapter 2 North Korean Society and its People: Capitalist
Wife and Socialist Husband KIM Seok-Hyang 47
1. Is North Korea Changing?
2. Changes in North Korean Society: Before and After 1990
3. The Causes of Change in North Korean Society
4. Changes in North Korea and the Daily Life of its People
5. Evaluation and Future Prospects
Chapter 3 The Ongoing Contest between the Plan and
Market in North Korea YANG Un-Chul 79
1. Introduction
2. Failed Plan Economy
3. The Rise of Market in North Korea
4. The Plan Strikes Back
5. Conclusion
contents | ix
Chapter 4 The Worsening Plight of Human Rights Violations
in North Korea KIM Soo-Am 109
1. Foreword
2. Plight of Human Rights Violations in North Korea
3. Factors of Violations
4. Crimes against Humanity and the Response of the International
5. Conclusion
Chapter 5 North Korea’s Nuclear Brinkmanship and
Changing Threat Spectrums LEE Chung Min 155
1. An Entirely Different North Korean Threat
2. North Korea: A De Facto Nuclear Weapon State
3. Kim Jong-un’s Unprecedented Focus on a Nuclearized North Korea
4. Responding to North Korea’s Asymmetrical Threats
5. Seoul’s Ability in Coping with Simultaneous Crises
Chapter 6 Looking Over the Horizon: North Korea-U.S.
Relations David Straub 205
1. Introduction
2. The Historical Evolution of North Korea-U.S. Relations
3. North Korean-U.S. Relations Under the Trump Administration
4. Options and Scenarios for North Korea-U.S. Relations
x | Contents
Chapter 7 Looking Over the Horizon: North Korea-
China Relation LEE Ji-Yong 251
1. Introduction
2. Explaining DPRK-PRC Relations
3. Continuity and Change in DPRK-PRC Relations
4. DPRK-PRC Relations in the Era of Xi Jinping
5. Conclusion
Chapter 8 A Green Revolution for Regime Survival: Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development in North Korea
OON Seock-Jun 285
1. Introduction
2. Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development in the General Context of Developing Countries
3. Pyongyang’s Motivations to Develop Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development
4. Legal Changes in North Korea for Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development
5. Institutional Changes in North Korea for Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development
6. Policy Changes in North Korea for Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development
7. Conclusion

  • 등록된 서평이 없습니다.
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