통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동


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통일부 발간물

Peace-Keeping in the Korean Peninsula :The Role of Commissions
Peace-Keeping in the Korean Peninsula :The Role of Commissions
Peace-Keeping in the Korean Peninsula :The Role of Commissions /Gabriel Jonsson
Jonsson, Gabriel
Korea (Seoul) :Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU),2009.
748 p. :ill. ;23 cm
(KINU) Research Monograph ;09-15
Includes bibliographical references(p. 699-734) and index
한반도 평화, Peace of Korean Peninsula,
단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 7층 서양서 일반 WM24532 340.8 K56r v.09-15 서가배치


Chapter 1. Introduction ... 1
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Theoretical Framework
1.3 Method
1.4 Sources
1.5 Organization and Scope
1.6 Korean Names and Terminology

Chapter 2. The Foundation of the MAC and the NNSC and the First Turbulent Years ... 15
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Foundation and Organization of the MAC and the NNSC
2.3 NNSC Inspections Fail
2.4 Violations of the Armistice Agreement
2.5 The NNSC between the Two Camps: “A Mission Impossible”
2.6 NNSC Inspections End in 1956
2.7 The UNC Cancels Paragraph 13(d) in 1957
2.8 The North Urges Withdrawal of American Troops in 1958-59
2.9 The Parties’ Views of the NNSC following the 1956-57 Events
2.10 Conclusions

Chapter 3. Rising Tensions on the Korean Peninsula during the 1960s ... 119
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Rearmaments and Withdrawal of American Troops raised in the MAC
3.3 Armistice Violations on Land
3.4 Repatriation of Military Personnel
3.5 Armistice Violations at Sea and in the Air
3.6 The Work of the MAC and the NNSC
3.7 The 1968 Blue House Raid and Pueblo Incident
3.8 Conclusions

Chapter 4. North-South Dialogue and Tension during the 1970s ... 237
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Work of the NNSC
4.3 North-South Dialogue and Armistice Violations
4.4 Rearmament, American Troops and Military Exercises raised in the MAC
4.5 Armistice Violations at Sea
4.6 Armistice Violations in the Air
4.7 The 1976 Panmunjom Axe Murder
4.8 Tunnels discovered under the DMZ
4.9 Conclusions

Chapter 5. Continued Tension but Renewed Dialogue during the 1980s ... 325
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Rearmaments, Military Exercises and American Troops raised in the MAC
5.3 Armistice Violations
5.4 Conclusions

Chapter 6. North Korea Incapacitates the MAC and the NNSC in the 1990s ... 367
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The State of North-South Affairs
6.3 Reactivation of Dialogue and the North Korean Nuclear Issue
6.4 The 1991 Appointment of a South Korean General as UNC/MAC Senior Member
6.5 North Korea Withdraws from the MAC in 1994
6.6 North Korea Expels the Czech Republic in 1993 and Poland in 1995
6.7 North Korean Intrusion in the DMZ and at Kangnûng in 1996
6.8 Conclusions

Chapter 7. Expanding Relations but Continuing Tension since 2000 ... 455
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The State of North-South Relations
7.3 The Work of the MAC and the NNSC
7.4 Expansion of Inter-Korean Exchanges, Military Talks and Prospects for Peace
7.5 Conclusions

Chapter 8. General Conclusions ... 517
8.1 Contributions of the MAC and the NNSC to Securing Peace
8.2 Peace in the Korean Peninsula

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