통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동


일반국민은 물론 국내외의 북한 및 통일문제 연구자에게 북한관련 정보자료를 제공합니다.

통일부 발간물

전쟁, 평화, 인권 : 탈냉전 20년의 경험과 의미 (Day 1) =War, Peace and Human Rights after the Cold War
전쟁, 평화, 인권 : 탈냉전 20년의 경험과 의미 (Day 1) =War, Peace and Human Rights after the Cold War
전쟁, 평화, 인권 : 탈냉전 20년의 경험과 의미 (Day 1) =War, Peace and Human Rights after the Cold War/C0-organized by KAIS(The Korean Association of Interational Studies);Sponsored by Ministry of Unification.
David Kernohan(Middlesex University, UK)
Andres Macias(Tokyo University , Japan)
Peter Russell(University of Melbourne, Australia)
Kathleen Cavanaugh(Irish Centre for Human Rights, Ireland)
Jeong-Woo Koo(Sungkyunkwan University)(Seoul National University)
Patricia Goedde(Sungkyuinkwan University)
Bo-hyuk Suh(Ewha Womans University)
Moosung Lee(Myongji University)
Nan-ho Heo(Kyungpook National University)
서울 :한국국제정치학회 ,2011.
2011 KAIS International Conference (The Plaza Hotel : June 16-17, 2011)
단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 5층 국내서 EM61891 SS 349.9 한17ㅈ v.1 서가배치
2 북한자료센터 / 5층 국내서 EM61892 SS 349.9 한17ㅈ v.1 c.2 서가배치


[영문]Thursday, June 16

14:30~15:00 Registration

[Maple HALL]
15:00~15:30 Opening ceremony
■ Opening Remarks: Sung-joo Kim (President, KAIS)
Zehra Arat (Chair, IPSA RC 26)

[Maple Hall, Simultaneous Interpretation]
15:30~17:30 Session 1. Human Rights after the End of the Cold War

■ Presenters :
"The Market for Human Rights Law"
| David Kernohan (Middlesex University, UK)
| Todd Landman (University of Essex, UK)
| Joshua Castellino (Middlesex University, UK)
"Regulation and Control of the Privatization of Security in Conflict Zones: A Human Rights Issue"
| Andres Macias (Tokyo University, Japan)
"Trading Human Rights for Stavility: Western Policies in Yugoslavia, 1989-1991"
| Peter Russell (University of Melbourne, Australia)
"Militant Democracy and the Illiveral State"
| Kathleen Cavanaugh (lrish Centre for Human Rights, Ireland)

[Orchild Hall, In English]
15:30~17:30 Session 2. Peace and Human Rights on the Korean Peninsula Ⅰ

■ Presenters :
"Love Thy Neighbor: Explaining Asylum Seeking and Hosting, 1982-2008"
| Jeong-Woo Koo (Sungkyunkwan University)
"Falling Through the Cracks: Rights Protection for North korean
Escapees under Refugee Law"
| Patricia Goedde (Sungkyunkwan University)

[Pine Hall, In English]
15:30~17:30 Session 3. Peace and Human Rights on the Korean Peninsula Ⅱ

■ Presenters :
"South Korea's Role for the Improvement of North Human Rights"
| Bo-hyuk Suh (Ewha Womans University)
"The EU's North Korean Human Rights Policy"
| Moosung Lee (Myonggji University)
"Mongolia's Political Change and Human Rights in the Five-Phase
Spiral Model: A Reference to North Korea"
| Man-ho Heo (Kyungpook National University)

  • 등록된 서평이 없습니다.
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