통일부 북한자료센터 메인이동

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전쟁, 평화, 인권 : 탈냉전 20년의 경험과 의미 (Day 2) =War, Peace and Human Rights after the Cold War
전쟁, 평화, 인권 : 탈냉전 20년의 경험과 의미 (Day 2) =War, Peace and Human Rights after the Cold War
단행본 소장정보
번호 소장처 등록번호 청구기호 도서상태
1 북한자료센터 / 5층 국내서 EM61893 SS 349.9 한17ㅈ v.2 서가배치
2 북한자료센터 / 5층 국내서 EM61894 SS 349.9 한17ㅈ v.2 c.2 서가배치


[영문]Friday, June 17

[Maple Hall, Simultaneous Interpretation]
10:00~12:00 Session 4. Regional Dynamics and Universal Values:
Between Contradiction and interaction

■ Presenters :
"In Search for Peace, Reconciliation and Human Rights Promotion in East Asia"
| Ina Masaki (International Christian University, Japan)
"Human Rights in the Middle East Justice versa Peace"
| Radwan Ziadeh (George Washington University, USA)
"Mapping Human Rights: Innovative Effort for Universalization"
| Alisa Shishkina (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
| Leonid lssaev (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
"The End of the Cold War as a Catalyst for the Growth and Current Character of International Criminal Justice: Rhetoric or Reality?"
| Turtogtoh Janar (National University of Mongolia, Mongolia)

[Orchild Hall, In Korean]
10:00~12:00 Session 5. Korea's Foreign Policy during the Post-Cold War Era: Globalization, Diversification and Public Diplomacy

■ Presenters :
"South Korea's ODA Policy in the Post-Cold War Period: Trends and Issues"
| Intaek Han (Jeju Peace Institute)
"Korea's Strategies for Network Diplomacy:
A Perspective of Actor-Network Theory"
| Sangbae Kim (Seoul National University)
"Globalization and Korea in International Economic Governance"
| Chi-Wook Kim (Sejong Institute)

[Maple Hall, Simultaneous Interpretation]
14:00~16:00 Session 6. Massive Violations: Repair the Past and
Preempt the Future

■ Presenters :
"Transitional Justice, Reconciliation and Democracy after the End of the Cold War"
| Anja Mihr (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
"Philosophy, Human Rights, Genocidal Rape: The New York Case Against Karadzic"
| Nathalie Nenadic (University of Kentucky, USA)
"Implementing an Early Warning System for the Responsiblility to Protect"
| Michael M. Brehm (University of Minnesota, USA)

[Orchild Hall, In Korean]
14:00~16:00 Session 7. Korea's Accommodation of New
International Relations Theories during the
Post-Cold War Era

■ Presenters :
"The New Security Dilemma in Networked International Relations: Implications for the Korean Peninsula"
| Byoung Won Min (Ewha Womans University)
"Twenty Years after Rio: The Evolution of Global Environmental Politics"
| Sangbum Shin (Yonsei University)
"The Concepts of Non-traditonal Security and Sovereignty: A Korean Scholar's View"
| Young-Dahl Oh (Chungnam National University)

[Maple Hall, Simultaneous Interpretation]
16:20~18:20 Session 8. Human Rights from a Comparative Perspective

■ Presenters :
"North Korean Human Rights in East Asia: Issues, Responses and Reactions"
| Mikyoung Kim (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
"Does Globalization Promote Human Rights and Democracy in China?"
| Thomas De Luca (Fordham University, USA)
"The Diffusion of Women's Rights Norms in Internationalized Post-War Contexts: A Comparative Framework"
| Anne Jenichen (University of Bremen, Germany)

[Orchild Hall, In Korean]
16:20~18:20 Session 9. Peace and Stability on the Korea
Peninsula during the Post-Cold War Era:
The Korean Peninsula, Northeast Asia, and
Global Connectivity and its Structure

■ Presenters :
"Chang and Continuity in U.S.-Korea Relations after the Cold War"
| Taehyun Kim (Chung-Ang University)
"South Kora-China Relationship under Lee's Administration and its Prospect"
| Heungkyu Kim (Sungshin Women's University)
"20 Years North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Structure & Dispute Priorities"
| Jaehoon Cha (Kyonggi University)

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